Embodying our feminine archetype of the sensual Lover 

Embodying our feminine archetype of the sensual Lover 

Embodying our feminine archetype of the sensual Lover, an article for the woman who wants to reconnect with the power of her sensuality in love and in life.


When I first discovered (non-sexual) pleasure in my body, I felt as though I had found the meaning to my life,

the meaning to my existence,

the meaning to my womanhood. 

But often in those early instances, I used to feel a faint pull of my old hyper-masculine conditioning. After all, spending hours turned inwards to my pleasure wasn’t getting anything done.

I was not being ‘productive’ in my days, this practice of cultivating depths of my pleasure wasn’t something I could show to the world (and to myself) as my that day’s work. It felt completely irrational and illogical to the recovering workaholic in me.

And yet, something in me wanted to stay here, in my body, feeling that juicy, life-giving pleasure, marinating myself in it. So I continued to do that. 

The self-critical voice diminished and died soon after and I went swimming in the deeper end of my sensual embodiment. 

Surprisingly enough, it didn’t take long for this connection with myself to reflect in my connection with the world.

It deepened my receptivity when it came to my love life, where my moments of intimacy with the men in my dating circle became so much more than just kissing and fondling. 

I could literally feel our sexual energies meeting each other without any form of sexual contact in picture.

Fast forward to today, living and showing up in my sensual connection so effortlessly invites the penetrative masculine energy of these men in my life further deepening our intimacy and polarity.

So here’s the thing, sweets. 

We are living in a world where a woman’s connection with her sensuality (and in turn with her sexuality) is so manipulated, degraded, suppressed by our patriarchal society that we start seeing it as something dirty, sinful and disgraceful (the only exception being when it’s a man bringing pleasure to a woman).

This so sneakily diminishes our connection with our sacred feminine archetype of the sensual Lover that is the most easily identifiable archetype of an embodied feminine woman. 

The slow, sensual, emotionally connected, magnetic, passionate, creative woman.

Considered as the personification of our sacred sensuality, we are embodying this archetype when we feel the most sensually alive, emotionally connected, deeply fulfilled, ravished by love and intimacy, and are in tune with our life force energy of creativity, inspiration and magnetism. 

The magic of this archetype reflects in your most intimate relationships when it pulls a man and keeps him glued to you like a magnet. 

Want to learn the secrets that make a woman magnetic? Access your copy of the Magnetic Woman guide here.

Your natural and juicy expansiveness creates the space for you to fully receive and feel ravished by everything this man does for you. 

You stop measuring the magnitude of his offerings of love, intimacy, affection, attention, acts of service and start receiving them as they are, radiating your warmth, joy and pleasure as his return gift. 

His masculine energy feels the pull of this magnetic, receiving, feminine energy of yours and wants to give you more, to keep pouring into the infinitely large reservoir of your being.

He lives every waking day of his life to fill that reservoir of your feminine essence. 

It is this depth of polarity that keeps men devoted to their women no matter what seasons of life pass them.

It is this strength of attraction that makes a man go from being just a suitor to a smitten, committed, deeply devoted masculine partner.

Just like we women feel the most fulfilled when connected with our feminine essence, men too feel their lives fully actualised when they get to show up for you in their masculine essence. 

And it all starts with you melting your hard, masculine armour and allowing yourself to connect with the most profound gift of your womanhood- your sensuality. A gift that makes you a natural receiver of the love, affection, admiration and adoration (embodied) masculine men shower upon you. 

journey deeper

If you are looking for a self-paced resource to learn how to connect with your feminine essence of pleasure and sensuality,I invite you to explore Rise with the Feminine, my 7-step feminine energy activation program.

In modules 5 & 6 of this powerful offering, I show you how you can rise to your feminine power by somatically connecting with your sensual aliveness and healing your relationship with your sacred sexuality.

Here’s where you can learn more about this powerful program.

related reading

Our sensuality is our capacity to discover and connect with the aliveness, vitality and pleasure that’s pulsating through our body by using our five external and infinite internal senses. Read this article to learn 4 simple ways you can start reconnecting with your sensuality and aliveness in your day to day life.

The intuitive wisdom of our feminine nature

The intuitive wisdom of our feminine nature

The intuitive wisdom of our feminine nature, an article for the woman who wants to learn how to connect with her intuitive intelligence.


In the current hyper-masculine world that we live in, one of the most underestimated powers of our femininity is our gift of intuition.

Commonly believed to be an element of woman’s inner power, the domain of intuition is simply the feminine– the feeling, sensing energy that connects us to the truth, to the ‘right’ answers to our questions. 

After all, our intuitive wisdom is the language that the Divine essence (spiritual dimension) in our body uses to guide us towards our desires.

Lets’s go a little deeper to understand this.

The intuitive wisdom of our feminine nature

So, our body consists of 4 dimensions- physical, mental, emotional and energetic, that have an overarching fifth dimension- the spiritual, one that represents the essence of the Divine, the One that’s in each one of us. 

Regardless of what area of our life we are calling a new desire in, it is imperative that we set clear intentions with regard to what we really want.

Because our fifth dimension, the essence of the Divine in us, uses these intentions as guideposts and accordingly communicates to us via our intuition whether we are on or off track on our journey towards our desired destination.

(For the sake of clarity, this destination can be a feeling, a vision, a 3D figure, person, situation, job or simply a state of being)

In fact, the Divine essence in us uses the help of the other four dimensions of our body to communicate its message to us in our 3D reality. 

These intuitive knowings, cues, nudges can feel like they’re.. 

  • Physical- where we might feel them via the sensations in our body, a knot in our gut, a constriction in our solar plexus, heaviness in our heart, etc.
  • Emotional- where we might feel extremely sad or ecstatic during the occurrence of an event.
  • Mental- where we might be reminded of an idea or a thought of a similar situation from the past.
  • Energetic- where we might notice a shift (drop or rise) in our vibration, our aura, our energetic state.

Almost always, it is via the feel of it, the feel of a sensation, an emotion, a thought or an energetic vibration that our intuition is speaking to us. 

The truth, as I always say in my work, is in the feel of it. The truth is in the feel of it.

Want to learn the secrets that make a woman magnetic? Access your copy of the Magnetic Woman guide here.

When something doesn’t feel right, it isn’t right. For you. At that moment. 

Now, there is no rulebook of life that says that we have to listen to our intuition. It is entirely up to us whether we want to listen to this message or not. 

There are countless times in our lives when we have ignored our intuition and gone ahead to do the exact opposite of what it has told us. Only to take a longer (and a messier) route to a point where we were left with no choice than to attend to this divine intervention. 

Because here is the interesting thing. 

Since we are not taught, trained, or educated to learn this language of the Divine, we grow up either totally oblivious of it or choose to stay ignorant of this superpower that we were born with. 

Because of our lack of belief in our own power, we rely on external support systems like card readings, crystals, readings from psychics and what not to guide us on our path. (nothing wrong with them as long as we haven’t made them the ONLY source of divine guidance.)

Knowing about this superpower and choosing to not use it is almost like saying, “What I cannot see with my naked eyes, I won’t believe in”. 

Just because we don’t witness this power in the obvious ways in our 3D reality, it is very easy for most of us to question its legitimacy and have a hard time trusting it. 

Exactly what brings us to the question of how one can then use this invisible power of intuition to navigate life and its tricky situations.

journey deeper

Learning how to understand the language of our intuition is a skill, a very important one at that. 

It lies at the heart of our feminine magnetism, playing a vital role in the process of manifestation of our heart’s deepest and wildest desires. 

A skill that I help my clients cultivate in my signature coaching offering – The Magnetic Woman.

This 6-weeks private coaching container is for you if you want to reconnect with your magnetic feminine essence and call in your deepest (and wildest) desires in life, love, business and money with utmost ease & pleasure.

If you’re feeling called, here’s where you can learn more about this offering. 

related reading

Some say feminine embodiment in a skill, others say it’s an art. To me, it feels like a journey within. A journey of reconnecting with the feminine design nature had gifted us women from the time we took birth earth-side. Read this article to learn what feminine embodiment really is and what it looks like in our love and work life.

5 signs you are embodying your feminine essence in your love life

5 signs you are embodying your feminine essence in your love life

5 signs you are embodying your feminine essence in your love life, an article for the woman who wants to learn the art of feminine embodiment in love.


Contrary to a very popular belief system, our femininity goes far beyond our ‘feminine’ dresses, colours, appearances. It has everything to do with our energy of receptivity, sensitivity, sensuality, vulnerability and more. 

Our feminine embodiment is the portal to our power. Power that’s rooted in our worthiness, embodied boundaries & embodied presence.

A woman connected to her feminine essence is (energetically) soft on the outside and strong on the inside. In the space of her love life, she brings her whole (healed) self and lets the man/men her witness her in her radiant femininity. 

Embodying your feminine essence in your love life

Today, in this article, I want to share with you 5 signs that convey if you’re embodying your feminine essence in your love life. 

Sign 1 ~ You have mastered the feminine art of receiving.

You have little or no trouble asking for support from your man/ the men you’re seeing.

You have healed your relationship with your inner masculine. As a result of which, you don’t see asking for help as a sign of weakness.

You know you can do it all by yourself and yet you’re open to receiving more ease and pleasure in your life that men bring to your life.

The more you can receive, the more inspired these (empowered masculine) men want you to pour into you, to give to you, to please you. 

Sign 2 ~ You are rooted in your feminine energy of worthiness.

You can joyfully receive from men without feeling the urge to return their efforts and gestures.

You know you are inherently worthy of all the gifts, all the good things that life has to offer you. And that the love, affection and admiration of men/your man is a tiny beautiful part of that gift bundle.

When men try to serve you with their acts of service, you joyfully receive those gestures and exude your warmth and gratitude in return. You don’t feel the pressure to match their efforts to even out the relationship.

This activates the polarity between your feminine energy and the masculine energy of empowered masculine men.

Sign 3 ~ You effortlessly practice the feminine value of surrender.

You effortlessly trust and surrender in the unknown. You’re deeply rooted in your feminine value of divine surrendering.

When you’re single & dating, you allow yourself to flow through and enjoy the process of getting to know a man without worrying about the outcome of that dating association.

When you see that (embodied masculine) man taking the lead, you place the same trust in him and follow his lead.

Want to learn the secrets that make a woman magnetic? Download your free copy of the Magnetic Woman guide here.

When in a committed partnership, you trust your partner to lead your relationship in the right direction.

In both of these scenarios, you trust that your intuition will guide you if that value of trust and surrender is dishonoured.

Sign 4 ~ You regularly use your feminine gift of intuition to make decisions in your love life.

You are able to use your intuition to make decisions in matters of the heart. This is a sign of your heightened sensitivity to your inner knowings and deep trust in your Divine inner guidance.

When something doesn’t feel right, you trust that inner voice and don’t do it. Your intuitive wisdom guides you in your day to day life to make the right decisions around saying yes to dates, saying yes to invitations, following the lead of a man/ men you’re dating and so on. 

Sign 5 ~ You show up in your love life in both your feminine radiance & power.

You’re not afraid of expressing your vulnerability in your intimate interactions with men because it is supported by your embodied boundaries.

You know when to open your heart to men and how to protect yourself from getting hurt.

Your energy is open and inviting and guarded by your (highly empowered) energetic boundaries that lets men know that you are a no-nonsense woman indeed. 

journey deeper

If you would like the support of a self-paced resource to learn the art of feminine embodiment in love, you may explore my powerful book Becoming a Goddess in love.

Consisting of 9 parts, this ebook will show you how to reclaim your feminine essence, radiance & power and use it all to revolutionise your love life. It will teach you the powerful skills of feminine embodiment in love and show you how to apply the laws of feminine-masculine polarity in your love life.

Here’s where you can learn more about its powerful contents.

related reading

Did you know that practising vulnerability in your love life is a skill, one that can be cultivated if you desire an emotionally rich romantic relationship in your life? Read this article where I share with you more on how you can add this skill in your emotional intelligence toolkit.

What balance between our feminine & masculine energy truly means

What balance between our feminine & masculine energy truly means

What balance between our feminine and masculine energy truly means, an article for the sensitive, high-achieving woman who wants to find her unique version of balance between her empowered feminine & masculine energies.


Many moons ago when I (accidentally) set out on my journey of feminine embodiment, I was living life on the far masculine end of my nature’s spectrum. Almost every area of my life had me striving for the actualisation of my desires.

I was completely out of alignment with my organic feminine nature and on most days, I felt exhausted from that go-go, masculinised way of living, loving and working. 

The subsequent years led me inwards into the depths of my femininity, helping me move from that far masculine end to the more feminine end of my being. 

Except, I didn’t anticipate what was about to go ‘wrong’ in my life. I had flung a little too far on that feminine end, often finding myself feeling reliant on external support. 

On a subconscious level, I knew I needed my inner masculine to provide me with that safety and support but the memories of my past hyper-masculine life scared me of losing myself to that over-drive, striving, effort-ing way of life again.

Most days felt like I was helplessly drowning in sensitive nature, often triggered by the inner wounding and trauma that would surface every now and then. In absence of my connection with my empowered inner masculine, I lacked the capacity to hold space for my grief and healing alike.

I remember one particular instance in that brief period of time when I felt like a true ‘damsel in distress’ wanting a man, wanting just anyone to come rescue me from the dark night of my soul.

That moment felt like a true wake up call. 

As someone who had come such a long way in the pursuit of her desires, I knew it was possible to rebuild my connection with my empowered masculine energy and restore my wholeness as a woman, as a human.

So I began with what felt true to me at the time.

I started by first healing the wounding of my inner feminine. And then slowly rebuilding my relationship with my inner masculine.

Gently and gradually, I started trusting my inner masculine to support me in ways that honoured my sensitivity and feelings. 

In the space of my love life, this looked like letting my inner masculine pour into me, provide for me, take care of me so I could joyfully receive from men without the former neediness. 

In the space of my business, this looked like setting embodied boundaries around my work schedule and creating automated systems of structure and support that allowed my (feminine) soul to rest and play as and when she wanted and source inspiration from her inner creative fuel. 

Soon enough, I started noticing how regardless of the complexity of the tasks I undertook, I was head over heels in love with the flow of my life. The most mundane activities in my day-to-day life started feeling so luscious, where I’d often find myself marinating in the pleasure-filled sensations pulsating in my body while living out my life’s purpose through this business. 

This phase of my life marked the inner union of my masculine and feminine energies. I had found my inner version of balance between my healed + empowered masculine and feminine energies. 

A sense of balance that continues to refine and deepen with each passing day.

When I decided to translate my personal journey of feminine embodiment into this business, I set a very clear intention that my offerings be created with this sacred dance between our inner masculine and feminine energies. So that women who wanted to work with me could begin the process of their feminine softening without undermining the importance of their inner masculine essence.

Over the last three years of doing this work, I have witnessed my clients – both who have worked with me privately and who have learnt from my courses – go far and deep on their journey of feminine embodiment without falling into the possible inner wounding that can be caused in the absence of their inner masculine connection (that holds space for their emotional regulation and safety). 

Specifically while coaching clients one-on-one, I have come to notice how for sensitive-hearted women who have a wild heart full of desires, a healthy connection with the inner masculine is deeply integral. 

If our feminine energy is the river whose nature is to flow, our masculine energy signifies the two banks guiding that river in the direction of our heart’s desires. To be able to soften, surrender, melt in our feminine beings, we need the safety and support our inner masculine essence provides for us. 

Want to learn the secrets that make a woman magnetic? Access your copy of the Magnetic Woman guide here.

For instance, in the space of our intimate relationships, we need our masculine essence to nurture us, to provide for us, helping us not become codependent on a man – an external masculine energy source in our life. 

Similarly, in the space of our work, career, business, we need our inner masculine to create structures and systems in which our inner feminine – our creativity, our intuitive inspiration can dance and flow. 

Just like swinging to the far masculine end of our nature’s spectrum tends to harden us and disconnect us from our own heart, living at the far end of our feminine nature often leads to inner wounding and sinking into a victim state of helplessness. 

Balance between our feminine and masculine energy

A sacred balance between our masculine & feminine energy is rarely a fifty-fifty split. In my experience of working with women from diverse cultures and backgrounds, I have learnt that every feminine being’s inner version of this balance is unique, with the scale always titling towards the more feminine end of the spectrum. 

For women who have been conditioned for years (for some, decades) to overtly use their masculine energy to drive their life, to love and lead with, walking on the path of their feminine energy embodiment feels like coming home. Coming home to themselves, coming home to their organic feminine nature.

It is in this process of feminine softening that their (healthy) masculine essence plays the pivotal role of creating a safe structure in which they can continue to soften, to shift from the far masculine end towards the feminine end of their nature’s spectrum.  

In absence of a connection with their inner masculine essence, women find themselves feeling needy, relying on the outside world for validation, for comfort, for safety, most often embodying the modern day damsel in distress archetype. (It’s important to note that there’s a BIG difference between receiving + relishing the support of the masculine energy sources in our lives – be it men, God, or money AND expecting any of these sources to come rescue us.)

journey deeper

If you’re a sensitive, high-achieving woman looking for a self-paced resource to soften in your feminine energy without losing connection with your empowered masculine essence, I invite you to explore Rise with the Feminine, my 7-step feminine energy activation program.

Through a simple (and proven) step-by-step process, this offering will teach you the skills of feminine embodiment and guide you to live, love + lead from your feminine heart and power. 

When I began this coaching practice, I couldn’t have possibly imagined creating a self-paced offering so powerful that would help women from around the world somatically embody their feminine essence without the support of private coaching containers. 

One year into the world, this program continues to be discovered and loved by women who are done with trying to intellectually understand the process of their feminine embodiment and want to learn how to actually embody their feminine essence. 

If that’s you, I invite you to begin the journey of your feminine embodiment with this powerful offering today. Explore Rise with the Feminine program here.

related reading

If you are curious to know more about the art of balancing your inner feminine and masculine energy in the space of love & romance, you might like this article.

How do you measure your self-worth?

How do you measure your self-worth?

How do you measure your self-worth? An article for the woman who wants to reconnect with the unconditionality of her self-worth.


Hi beauty, I invite you to reflect upon the answers to these questions:

How do you measure your self-worth?

Do you measure it through your job?

Or do you measure it through the amount of money you earn?

Or is there another external, transient factor that has got you attaching your inherent worth to it?

If you’re here reading this, chances are you have chosen to be a worldly being. And in that capacity, we obviously need most of the above mentioned forms of rewards to sustain life in the most thriving manner. 

The problem arises when any of these become the source of self-worth for us. Even worse if these external sources run dry/ empty of their supply of worth for us.

We losing a job is a possibility. The incoming flow of wealth getting disrupted is another scenario. The rapidly changing landscape of social relationships can cost us some of ours too.

I invite you to reflect upon..

What happens to your life when any/all of these are gone? 

What happens to your sense of inner balance if one or more of these sources of your worthiness go missing? 

As you read the next few lines, take a moment to close your eyes and strip away everything you attach your worth to. Your job, your career, your money, your romantic/ social connections, everything outside of you. 

Who are you now? 

How does it feel to be with yourself? 

Do you like the woman you are? 

Can you wrap your arms around her and still tell her that you love and accept her, from the core of your heart? 

How we feel within ourselves, with this version of us sans all our external, transient sources of worth- is all that matters. 

If that relationship feels whole and complete, we celebrate it, we deepen it further. If it doesn’t, we give ourselves the permission to turn within and ask, “Why is it that I don’t feel worthy by just being me?

Our relationship with our worthiness is always an inside job, dear one. Our worth is innate, it’s ever-present, it is precious. 

We don’t need to downgrade it by measuring it up through a transient title, the dollar we earn, the status our romantic relationships hold. 


Our self-worth is like a naturally flowing waterfall that we are born with an exclusive access to. It is available with an unlimited source of water, ever present for us. 

We live under that waterfall, soaking ourselves with its water on harsh hot days any and every time we want. We don’t have to give, to do, to prove anything to keep that waterfall of self-worth flowing forever. 

When we grow up/live in an environment where our self-worth gets compared and measured- in form of our looks, our grades, our size, our skin color, our voice, our achievements, etc., we slowly start disconnecting from this eternal truth. 

We start depending on external validation to feel worthy.

We start relying upon our community, our partner/the men in our dating circle to bring buckets of water to cool off the heat of unworthiness. Totally forgetting that we live under our own waterfall of self worth. And that we don’t need anyone else’s buckets of validation to feel worthy. 

When you begin your journey of feminine embodiment, you learn to identify and liberate this dependency on all external sources of your self-worth and connect with your enough-ness effortlessly. 

You start showing up in your love life anchored in this truth- no longer feeling the urge to give, to provide, to match the love, affection and attention you receive from your man/ the men you’re seeing.

As a result, you are able to receive all of that love, the compliments, the offerings like a Goddess exuding her warmth and gratitude without clinging onto any of those gifts. 

Want to learn the secrets that make a woman magnetic? Access your copy of the Magnetic Woman guide here.

Similarly in areas of your leadership & business, you can show up with as much integrity towards yourself as you hold for the job you’re set out to complete. Thus living your life in connection with this enough-ness, under this waterfall of your innate self-worth once again. 

Not only are you able to release the need to chase a man for trickles of validation but also are you able to let go of the urge to people-please just so they can see your worth in your work..and may be even reward you for that.

That is you embodying your feminine essence in its most natural, primal form.

This energy is what creates the magic for you.

When you can sit across the table and look into the eyes of the person you’re negotiating with, you are telling them via more than just words that you are here for more and you are not willing to settle for anything lesser.

This applies just as much as to your work front as much as it does to your preferences/standards in dating/relationships.

It is far more powerful than any negotiation tactic you’ll ever learn. Because this energy with which you approach your negotiations in life and relationships is oozing with your sincerity, your authenticity of your deservingness.

journey deeper

Our feminine energy is replete with our worthiness so much so that our self-worth is one of the essential elements of our feminine embodiment.

When we are connected with this essence, we don’t need to measure our self-worth with anything outside of us. We understand that it just is.

We believe we are worthy simply because we exist. 

If you’re looking for a self-paced resource to reconnect with your feminine energy of worthiness, I invite you to explore Rise with the Feminine, my 7-step feminine energy activation program.

This program will help you anchor in your inner enough-ness and show you how to live, love + lead from your feminine heart and power. 

In step 3 of this offering, I teach you how to restore your connection with your innate self-worth. In this module, you will learn:

~ what is the true meaning of our self-worth.

~ what disconnects us from our innate worthiness.

~ how our self-worth lies at the core of our feminine embodiment.

~ what happens when we show up in our individual life, our love life and our work life anchored in our self-worth.

~ a powerful somatic practice to reconnect with your inherent self-worth.

Here’s where you can learn more about this deeply potent offering.