What balance between our feminine & masculine energy truly means

What balance between our feminine & masculine energy truly means

What balance between our feminine and masculine energy truly means, an article for the sensitive, high-achieving woman who wants to find her unique version of balance between her empowered feminine & masculine energies.


Many moons ago when I (accidentally) set out on my journey of feminine embodiment, I was living life on the far masculine end of my nature’s spectrum. Almost every area of my life had me striving for the actualisation of my desires.

I was completely out of alignment with my organic feminine nature and on most days, I felt exhausted from that go-go, masculinised way of living, loving and working. 

The subsequent years led me inwards into the depths of my femininity, helping me move from that far masculine end to the more feminine end of my being. 

Except, I didn’t anticipate what was about to go ‘wrong’ in my life. I had flung a little too far on that feminine end, often finding myself feeling reliant on external support. 

On a subconscious level, I knew I needed my inner masculine to provide me with that safety and support but the memories of my past hyper-masculine life scared me of losing myself to that over-drive, striving, effort-ing way of life again.

Most days felt like I was helplessly drowning in sensitive nature, often triggered by the inner wounding and trauma that would surface every now and then. In absence of my connection with my empowered inner masculine, I lacked the capacity to hold space for my grief and healing alike.

I remember one particular instance in that brief period of time when I felt like a true ‘damsel in distress’ wanting a man, wanting just anyone to come rescue me from the dark night of my soul.

That moment felt like a true wake up call. 

As someone who had come such a long way in the pursuit of her desires, I knew it was possible to rebuild my connection with my empowered masculine energy and restore my wholeness as a woman, as a human.

So I began with what felt true to me at the time.

I started by first healing the wounding of my inner feminine. And then slowly rebuilding my relationship with my inner masculine.

Gently and gradually, I started trusting my inner masculine to support me in ways that honoured my sensitivity and feelings. 

In the space of my love life, this looked like letting my inner masculine pour into me, provide for me, take care of me so I could joyfully receive from men without the former neediness. 

In the space of my business, this looked like setting embodied boundaries around my work schedule and creating automated systems of structure and support that allowed my (feminine) soul to rest and play as and when she wanted and source inspiration from her inner creative fuel. 

Soon enough, I started noticing how regardless of the complexity of the tasks I undertook, I was head over heels in love with the flow of my life. The most mundane activities in my day-to-day life started feeling so luscious, where I’d often find myself marinating in the pleasure-filled sensations pulsating in my body while living out my life’s purpose through this business. 

This phase of my life marked the inner union of my masculine and feminine energies. I had found my inner version of balance between my healed + empowered masculine and feminine energies. 

A sense of balance that continues to refine and deepen with each passing day.

When I decided to translate my personal journey of feminine embodiment into this business, I set a very clear intention that my offerings be created with this sacred dance between our inner masculine and feminine energies. So that women who wanted to work with me could begin the process of their feminine softening without undermining the importance of their inner masculine essence.

Over the last three years of doing this work, I have witnessed my clients – both who have worked with me privately and who have learnt from my courses – go far and deep on their journey of feminine embodiment without falling into the possible inner wounding that can be caused in the absence of their inner masculine connection (that holds space for their emotional regulation and safety). 

Specifically while coaching clients one-on-one, I have come to notice how for sensitive-hearted women who have a wild heart full of desires, a healthy connection with the inner masculine is deeply integral. 

If our feminine energy is the river whose nature is to flow, our masculine energy signifies the two banks guiding that river in the direction of our heart’s desires. To be able to soften, surrender, melt in our feminine beings, we need the safety and support our inner masculine essence provides for us. 

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For instance, in the space of our intimate relationships, we need our masculine essence to nurture us, to provide for us, helping us not become codependent on a man – an external masculine energy source in our life. 

Similarly, in the space of our work, career, business, we need our inner masculine to create structures and systems in which our inner feminine – our creativity, our intuitive inspiration can dance and flow. 

Just like swinging to the far masculine end of our nature’s spectrum tends to harden us and disconnect us from our own heart, living at the far end of our feminine nature often leads to inner wounding and sinking into a victim state of helplessness. 

Balance between our feminine and masculine energy

A sacred balance between our masculine & feminine energy is rarely a fifty-fifty split. In my experience of working with women from diverse cultures and backgrounds, I have learnt that every feminine being’s inner version of this balance is unique, with the scale always titling towards the more feminine end of the spectrum. 

For women who have been conditioned for years (for some, decades) to overtly use their masculine energy to drive their life, to love and lead with, walking on the path of their feminine energy embodiment feels like coming home. Coming home to themselves, coming home to their organic feminine nature.

It is in this process of feminine softening that their (healthy) masculine essence plays the pivotal role of creating a safe structure in which they can continue to soften, to shift from the far masculine end towards the feminine end of their nature’s spectrum.  

In absence of a connection with their inner masculine essence, women find themselves feeling needy, relying on the outside world for validation, for comfort, for safety, most often embodying the modern day damsel in distress archetype. (It’s important to note that there’s a BIG difference between receiving + relishing the support of the masculine energy sources in our lives – be it men, God, or money AND expecting any of these sources to come rescue us.)

journey deeper

If you’re a sensitive, high-achieving woman looking for a self-paced resource to soften in your feminine energy without losing connection with your empowered masculine essence, I invite you to explore Rise with the Feminine, my 7-step feminine energy activation program.

Through a simple (and proven) step-by-step process, this offering will teach you the skills of feminine embodiment and guide you to live, love + lead from your feminine heart and power. 

Two years ago, I couldn’t have possibly imagined creating a self-paced offering so powerful that would help women from around the world embody their feminine essence without spending a fortune on 1-1 coaching containers. 

Eight months into this world, this program continues to be discovered and loved by women who are done with 
trying to intellectually understand the process of their feminine embodiment and are ready to learn how to somatically embody their feminine essence. 

If that’s you, I invite you to begin the journey of your feminine embodiment with this powerful offering today. Explore Rise with the Feminine program here.

related reading

If you are curious to know more about the art of balancing your inner feminine and masculine energy in the space of love & romance, you might like this article.