9 signs that convey if our feminine energy is blocked

February 20, 2024

9 signs that convey if our feminine energy is blocked, an article for the sensitive, heart-led woman who wants to learn how to liberate the blocks to her feminine embodiment & reconnect with the flow of her life-giving, feminine energy.


Have you ever wondered what really disconnects us from our inherent feminine energy? 

So, our feminine energy is the energy of feeling, flowing, sensing, receiving, surrendering. 

When free of inner constrictions, the inherent nature of this energy is flow. It reflects in the lightness of our being, in the depth of our pleasure, in our surrender to the Divine power.

When constricted by fear, shame, emotional trauma, or any other form of frozen tension, this innate flow of our feminine energy gets blocked, disconnecting us from experiencing the full spectrum of our life-force, our eros, our vitality.

Before we get to the embodied resolution of this shared experience of so many of us women, let us look at the symptoms, 9 signs to be specific, that convey if our feminine energy is blocked.

One. When we find it difficult to be present in a given moment. 

We operate under the hyper-masculine conditioning of always being on the go, always hustling, always pushing and striving for results.

Relaxation, slowness, stillness for us equate to laziness, stagnancy and losing the race. 

Our nervous system is either constricted or dys-regulated, to the extent we live out our days in constant fight or flight mode.

Two. When we attach our worth to how much we can do, achieve, earn & own. 

We have internalised the capitalistic theme of the world to an extent that we now derive our inherent self-worth from anything & everything outside of us.

In life, we constantly rely on things outside of us to feel worthy.

In love, we equate our self worth to the attention of the men/ man in our life.

At work, we assume our worth as equal to our pay, our designation, our recognition. And are afraid to ask for what our time, energy and labor is worth.

In business, our censored creative expression, our over-working & people-pleasing approach and our depletive prices might be a reflection of our connection with our self-worth.

Three. When we try to control the outcome of all situations in our life. 

We’re deeply conditioned to believe the illusion of control as the ultimate truth.

We struggle with letting go, practicing surrender and inviting the grace of the Divine power in our life.

Our wonderful masculine quality of maintaining order and structure has crossed the threshold of sanity and is now practised in excess (and often toxic) amounts.

As a result, we find ourselves often feeling overwhelmed and burdened by the weight of life and its problems. 

Want to learn the secrets that make a woman magnetic? Download your free copy of the Magnetic Woman guide here.

Four. When we struggle with setting (and protecting our) boundaries. 

Enmeshment and codependency are some of the common patterns in our life and relationships.

We follow the much celebrated sacrificial way of living where we pour from our cup until it runs dry.

We have a difficult time saying NO and prioritising our well being at the most intricate level.

Our life oscillates between the states of over-giving and resentment. 

Five. When we suppress or deny our darker, heavier emotions. 

We’ve been sold the idea of pseudo-spirituality that’s all about love and light.

We label our pain (and hence the world’s pain) as bad.

Often a product of toxic positivity, this approach has numbed us to an extent that we’re disconnected from the other half of our emotional spectrum, that is our pain, our grief, our rage, aka our (deeply potent) dark and heavy emotions.

We struggle to sit with our feelings when we’re in distress and often use ‘positive affirmations’ to stuff our tender emotions and move past that uncomfortable situation as soon as possible.

Six. When we struggle with receiving support from the masculine energy sources in our life. 

A common result of our hyper-independent conditioning is our inability to receive support from the giving, masculine energy sources in our life.

We struggle with asking for help in our day to day life.

When the empowered masculine men want to be in service to us, we reject them as boring men.

We pile up our work desk in the I-know-it-all-stride and don’t know or believe in delegating work to make our life easier and simpler.

Seven. When we envy and resent other women. 

One of the most prominent signs of our feminine energy being blocked is when we suffer from the Sister wound, a successful product of the world’s capitalistic, patriarchal systems.

Perhaps inflicted in early years of life during our interactions with other females in or outside our family, this wound is still alive in our being and it dictates how we perceive or be with other women.

Embodied sisterhood, the true hallmark of femininity, is missing from our life. 

Eight. When we consider vulnerability as a weakness.

We carry misconceptions around the true meaning of emotional vulnerability, often mistaking it as fragility or as a weakness.

Under the former assumption, we believe that vulnerability means emotionally vomiting out in front of a new social or romantic connection.

And under the latter assumption, we keep our hard masculine shield on, refusing to let romantic and social connections truly see us for our beauty- perfect and imperfect included. 

Nine. When our love for ourselves is conditional. 

We often dishonour ourselves in pursuit of a man’s love, affection and attention.

We frequently abandon our own needs to fit in our social circles.

Our connection with our inner child is either absent or in need of serious repair.

Habitual or sub-conscious self-sacrifice is a recurring theme in our life.

As someone who has experienced and liberated these (and more such) blocks on her journey of feminine embodiment, here’s what I can share with you:

These blocks that are often misunderstood as our natural/ definite state, are actually the result of our inter-generational + childhood trauma and our societal + cultural conditioning that leads to a dis-embodied relationship with our organic (feminine) essence. 

These barriers to our feminine embodiment can be dissolved and our connection with our feminine nature can be restored to wholeness when we know how to drop below the surface level of our healing and liberate these blocks from their roots in our body.

If you’re looking for a self-paced resource to learn these skills, my 7-step feminine energy activation program Rise with the Feminine is for you.

This deeply potent offering has been designed to help you somatically embody your feminine essence and livelove and lead from your feminine heart + power.

In the last 6 months, the women who have covered this step-by-step process have experienced such heart-opening ripples of transformation in their lives. 

That’s the beauty of our feminine embodiment. When we take the somatic route of connecting with our feminine essence, when we learn to liberate the constrictions in the flow of our feminine essence, it reunites us with our subdued power that’s present in our body in form of our life-force energy, our life-giving feminine energy. 

This offering is the right fit for you:

~ if you understand feminine energy at the intellectual level but want to experience it somatically (in your body).

~ if you want to learn how to live, love & lead in connection with your feminine heart + power,

~ if you’d like to learn a simple (and proven) step-by-step process that will help you melt your masculine armour + reconnect with your feminine magnetism.

Here’s where you can learn more about this beautiful program.

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    Navdeep Kalra

    Hi beauty,

    Welcome! I am Navdeep Kalra, a feminine embodiment coach, writer & meditation teacher.

    My zone of genius lies in helping sensitive, high-achieving women reconnect with their feminine essence & call in their heart’s deepest (and wildest) desires in life, love, business & money with utmost ease & pleasure.

    A previously hustle-oriented, disconnected, dis-embodied woman, through a long series of divinely orchestrated events, I discovered my way to the deeply fulfilling way of living, loving and working by returning home to my feminine essence.

    And now, it is one of my life’s deepest joys to share this life-giving wisdom with women around the world.

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